Asked 2 years ago
30 Jul 2021
Views 298

River posted

Can I install Anaconda 2 and 3 together ?

Can I install Anaconda 2 and 3 together ?

answered Feb 28 '23 00:00

Yes, it is possible to install both Anaconda 2 and Anaconda 3 on the same computer. Anaconda provides separate installers for each version of Python, so you can choose to install both versions side by side.

Here are the general steps to install both Anaconda 2 and 3:

1. Download the Anaconda 2 installer from the Anaconda download page, and the Anaconda 3 installer from the Anaconda download page.

2. Run the Anaconda 2 installer and follow the installation instructions. You can choose the installation location and other options during the installation process.

3. After Anaconda 2 is installed, run the Anaconda 3 installer and follow the installation instructions. You should choose a different installation location from Anaconda 2 to avoid overwriting any files.

4. Once both Anaconda 2 and 3 are installed, you can switch between the two by activating the desired Anaconda environment. You can do this in the Anaconda Navigator GUI, or by using the conda activate command in a terminal or Anaconda Prompt.

Note that while it is possible to install both versions of Anaconda, it may not always be necessary or advisable depending on your specific needs. In many cases, a single installation of the latest version of Anaconda will suffice.

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