Asked 2 years ago
12 May 2021
Views 139

Arnaldo posted

Can we use where group by together?

Can we use where group by together?

answered Jun 23 '23 00:00

WHERE and GROUP BY together in MySQL, you can filter the rows before grouping them based on specific conditions. Here's an example that demonstrates their combined usage:

Let's say we have a table called orders with columns order_id, customer_id, and order_total, and we want to retrieve the total order amount for each customer but only for orders with a total greater than $100.

Here's the query that combines WHERE and GROUP BY clauses:

SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_total) AS total_amount
FROM orders
WHERE order_total > 100
GROUP BY customer_id;

In this example, the WHERE clause filters the rows by specifying the condition order_total > 100, which ensures that only orders with a total greater than $100 are included in the calculation. Then, the GROUP BY clause groups the filtered rows based on the customer_id column.

The SELECT statement retrieves the customer_id and calculates the sum of the order_total for each customer using the SUM() function. The AS total_amount part assigns an alias to the calculated sum for readability.
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