Asked 2 years ago
17 Jun 2021
Views 183

Dina posted

Echo query before execution and without execution in codeigniter

Echo query before execution and without execution in codeigniter

answered Apr 27 '23 00:00

To echo a query before execution in CodeIgniter, you can use the last_query() method of the $this->db object . This method returns the last executed query as a string. Here's an example:

$query = $this->db->select('*')
                  ->where('column1', $value1)
                  ->where('column2 >', $value2)

echo $this->db->last_query();

In this example, we are selecting all columns from a table named "my_table" where "column1" equals a certain value and "column2" is greater than a certain value. We use the get() method to execute the query and store the result in the $query variable.

We then echo the last executed query using $this->db->last_query().

To echo a query without execution in CodeIgniter, you can use the get_compiled_select() method of the $this->db object. This method returns the compiled SELECT query as a string, without executing it. Here's an example:

$query = $this->db->select('*')
                  ->where('column1', $value1)
                  ->where('column2 >', $value2)

echo $query;

In this example, we are compiling a SELECT query that selects all columns from a table named " my_table " where "column1" equals a certain value and "column2" is greater than a certain value. We use the get_compiled_select() method to retrieve the compiled query as a string and store it in the $query variable.

We then echo the compiled query using $ query .

Note that the get_compiled_select() method only works for SELECT queries, and not for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries.
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