Asked 2 years ago
13 Aug 2021
Views 288

Dortha posted

How do I get rid of lazy loading ?

How do I get rid of lazy loading ?

answered Aug 16 '21 00:00

you need to undo the lazy loading process did what you did for lazy loading.
1. Need to find what framework or library or what process you did for the lazy loading.
for example :
2. remove the script or framework you applied to system
if suppose you added some script for javascript then remove it
for example you using the jquery lazy loading

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.lazy.min.js"></script>

comment script or remove it

<!--  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.lazy.min.js"></script> -->

3. undo the change applied for lazy loading to image attributes
mostly data-src will be replaced with src so

<img data-src="image path"

replace will be like this

<img src="image path"

4. remove additional script intialisation
comment out the script intiliazation

 //$(function() {
    //    $('.lazy').Lazy();

in short , uninstall the script or framework from you website

answered Aug 16 '21 00:00

if you using the loading attribute on <img> elements then remove it from <img> elements

<img src="image path here" alt="..." loading="lazy">

remoe loading="lazy" attribue from the <img> attribute
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