Asked 2 years ago
9 Jul 2021
Views 199

Cecil posted

How does CSS detect overflow ?

How does CSS detect overflow ?

answered Feb 25 '23 00:00

CSS detects overflow by comparing the size of an element to the size of its containing block . If the content of an element exceeds the size of its containing block, it is considered to be overflowing, and the overflow property can be used to control how the overflow is handled.

Here are some ways CSS detects overflow:

Element size : CSS detects overflow by comparing the size of an element to the size of its containing block. If the content of an element exceeds the size of its containing block, it is considered to be overflowing.

Box model : CSS detects overflow by using the box model, which calculates the size of an element based on its content, padding, border, and margin. If any of these values cause an element to exceed the size of its containing block, it is considered to be overflowing.

Scrollbars : CSS detects overflow by using scrollbars, which appear when an element overflows its containing block. Scrollbars allow users to scroll through the overflow content.

The overflow property in CSS can be used to control how overflow is handled. The overflow property can have the following values:

visible : The overflow content is visible outside of the containing block.
hidden : The overflow content is hidden and not visible outside of the containing block.
scroll : The overflow content is hidden, but scrollbars are added to allow users to scroll through the content.
auto : The overflow content is hidden, but scrollbars are added only if needed.
By using the overflow property, you can control how overflow is handled and prevent it from causing layout issues or other problems on your web page.
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