Asked 2 years ago
9 Jul 2021
Views 176

Frederik posted

How does matchMedia work ?

How does matchMedia work ?

answered Jun 24 '23 00:00

you mean matchMedia function in a JavaScript ?
matchMedia function is a JavaScript method that a llows you to perform media queries programmatically . It enables you to dynamically check if a specific CSS media query matches the current viewport or device characteristics.

Here's an overview of how matchMedia works:

Creating a Media Query :
You start by creating a media query string using CSS syntax. For example, you might define a media query to check if the viewport width is less than or equal to 768 pixels:

var mediaQuery = "(max-width: 768px)";
Using matchMedia:

Next, you can use the matchMedia function to create a MediaQueryList object. This object represents the result of the media query evaluation.

var mql = window.matchMedia(mediaQuery);

Checking the Result :
The MediaQueryList object has a matches property that indicates whether the media query condition is currently satisfied. You can access this property to check the result.

if (mql.matches) {
  // Media query matches
  // Perform actions specific to this media query condition
} else {
  // Media query does not match
  // Perform actions specific to other conditions

Listening for Changes :
Additionally, you can attach a listener to the MediaQueryList object to track changes in the media query evaluation. The listener will be triggered when the media query state changes.

mql.addListener(function (event) {
  if (event.matches) {
    // Media query condition became true
  } else {
    // Media query condition became false
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