Asked 2 years ago
17 Jun 2021
Views 229

Stefanie posted

How to call function in string In PHP ?

How to call function in string In PHP ?

answered Apr 27 '23 00:00

In PHP, you can call a function inside a string using the concatenation operator (.) or using curly braces ({}) with a variable containing the function call. Here are two examples:

Using concatenation operator:

$name = "John";
echo "Hello " . strtoupper($name) . "!"; // Output: Hello JOHN!

Using curly braces:

$name = "John";
echo "Hello {strtoupper($name)}!"; // Output: Hello JOHN!

In the second example, we use curly braces to include the function call inside the string. The curly braces tell PHP to evaluate the contents of the variable as a function call before including it in the string.

Note that if you want to include the result of a function call inside a string, you should enclose the function call in parentheses to ensure that the correct value is returned. For example:

$number = 42;
echo "The answer is " . ($number + 8); // Output: The answer is 50

In this example, we enclose the expression $number + 8 in parentheses to ensure that it is evaluated before being concatenated with the string "The answer is ". This ensures that the correct value is returned (50), instead of the concatenation of "The answer is 4" and "2".
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