Asked 4 years ago
15 Nov 2019
Views 1969

Cimb posted

PHP Fatal error: strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script

i brought some code and i am running the code and i am finding this error in error_log

PHP Fatal error: strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script

so what i should do to avoid this error

answered Apr 25 '23 00:00

The error message "PHP Fatal error: strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script" indicates that the declare(strict_types=1); statement is not being used in the correct way in your PHP script.

In PHP, the declare statement is used to set certain compiler directives during runtime. The strict_types directive is used to enable strict type checking in a script, which can help prevent errors and make your code more reliable.

However, when using the strict_types directive, it must be the very first statement in your PHP script, before any other statements or output. If it is not the first statement, you will encounter the "PHP Fatal error" message.

To resolve this error, you should move the declare(strict_types=1); statement to the very beginning of your PHP script, before any other statements or output. Here is an example:


// Your code here

By placing the declare(strict_types=1); statement at the beginning of your script, you ensure that strict type checking is enforced throughout your code. This can help prevent errors and improve the reliability of your PHP scripts.
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