Asked 2 years ago
29 Jul 2021
Views 228

Domenic posted

What is full join in SQL ?

What is full join in SQL ?

answered Feb 25 '23 00:00

In SQL, a full join is a type of join operation that returns all the rows from both tables being joined, along with any matching rows based on a specified condition.

The full join operation is sometimes referred to as a full outer join , as it returns all the rows from both tables and includes both the matching and non-matching rows .

The syntax for a full join in SQL is as follows:

FROM table1
FULL JOIN table2
ON table1.column = table2.column;

In this example, table1 and table2 are the two tables being joined, and column is the column used to match the rows between the two tables. The asterisk (*) in the SELECT statement is used to select all columns from both tables.

The full join operation can be useful when you want to retrieve all the data from two tables, including any records that do not have matching values in the other table. However, it should be used with caution, as it can potentially return a large number of rows and can be slower than other types of joins.
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