Asked 5 years ago
2 Oct 2018
Views 1044

david posted

date('z') to date format

i want to covert The day of the year (starting from 0) (z) to original date

so suppose 354 to date format ..

answered Apr 25 '23 00:00

To convert the output of the date('z') function to a date format, you can use the date() function again with your preferred date format. Here's an example code snippet:

// Retrieve the day of the year as a number
$day_of_year = date('z');

// Convert the day of the year to a date format
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("January 1 +$day_of_year days"));

// Output the day of the year and the corresponding date
echo "Day of the year: $day_of_year<br>";
echo "Corresponding date: $date";

In this code snippet, the date('z') function retrieves the current day of the year as a number, ranging from 0 to 365. Then, the strtotime() function is used to calculate the corresponding date by adding the number of days to January 1 of the current year. Finally, the date() function formats the resulting date as a string with the specified format ('Y-m-d' in this example).

Note that this example assumes that the current year should be used. If you need to calculate the date for a specific year, you would need to adjust the strtotime () function to account for the year as well.
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