Asked 2 years ago
29 Jul 2021
Views 160

Freeman posted

How do you replace a value in SQL?

How do you replace a value in SQL?

answered Jun 23 '23 00:00

To replace a value in SQL, you can use the UPDATE statement. The UPDATE statement allows you to modify existing data in a table by specifying the column to update and the new value to replace the existing value.

Suppose we have a table called students with columns student_id and grade, and we want to replace the grade for a particular student with a new value. We can update the value based on the student's ID using the following query:

UPDATE students
SET grade = 'A'
WHERE student_id = 12345;
In this example, we are updating the grade column for the row where the student_id is 12345. The new value for the grade column is set to 'A'.

Remember, the uniqueness of the update depends on the conditions you specify in the WHERE clause. By adjusting the condition, you can make the update more specific and unique to your requiremen
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