Asked 7 years ago
20 Apr 2017
Views 928

sandee posted

how to add Login with Twitter in website ?

i am using PHP for my website for server side language. how to add twitter login button with PHP or JavaScript in website ?

answered Apr 24 '23 00:00

"Login with Twitter" functionality can be added to a website using Twitter's OAuth authentication API. This involves creating a Twitter app, adding the Twitter SDK to the website, adding a "Login with Twitter" button, initiating the authentication process using the twttr JavaScript object, and handling the authentication callback on the server-side code to obtain an access token.

To get started, you need to create a Twitter app on the Twitter Developer portal and obtain your API keys and access tokens. Then, add the Twitter JavaScript SDK to your website by adding the appropriate script tag to the head section. Next, create a button on your website that users can click to initiate the Twitter authentication process. When the button is clicked, use the twttr.authorize() method to initiate the authentication process and specify a callbackURL parameter that indicates the URL to redirect the user to after they have logged in.

After the user logs in to Twitter, they will be redirected to the callbackURL that you specified earlier. You need to handle this callback on your server-side code using the OAuth API to obtain an access token. Once you have the access token, you can use it to make API calls on behalf of the user.

By following these steps, you can add "Login with Twitter" functionality to your website, allowing users to log in to your site using their Twitter credentials.
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