Asked 2 years ago
7 Jul 2021
Views 347

Ardith posted

how to print an array in smarty?

how to print an array in smarty?

answered May 4 '23 00:00

To print an array in Smarty, you can use a foreach loop. Here's an example:

{foreach $myArray as $item}

In the example above, we assume that $myArray is an array variable passed to the Smarty template. Inside the foreach loop, we use the {$item} syntax to print each element of the array.

If you want to print the array keys as well as the values, you can use the foreach loop with the key attribute. Here's an example:

{foreach $myArray as $key => $value}
    {$key}: {$value}

In this example, we use the $key variable to print the array key, followed by a colon and a space, and then the $value variable to print the array value.

You can also use other Smarty functions and modifiers to format the array output. For example, you can use the join modifier to print the array elements separated by a comma or another delimiter. Here's an example:

{$myArray|join:", "}

This will print the array elements separated by a comma and a space.

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