Asked 7 years ago
12 Aug 2016
Views 854

jignesh posted

in jQuery .attr('value') and val() is same for input elment object ?


i was testing something for my website and i jst found out that




both give me input value so . can we say that both are alternative of each other ?

answered Jun 24 '23 00:00

Yes, in the context of an input element in jQuery, attr('value') and val() can be used interchangeably to retrieve the value of the input.

When you use $("input").attr('value'), it retrieves the value of the value attribute of the input element. This is the initial value that was set in the HTML markup or via JavaScript.

On the other hand, $("input").val() directly retrieves the current value of the input element, regardless of whether it was initially set or updated dynamically through user interaction or JavaScript.

In most cases, using val() is preferred because it provides the most up-to-date value of the input element. It reflects any changes made by the user or through JavaScript manipulation.

So, while attr('value') can be used to retrieve the initial value or set a new value to the attribute, val() is commonly used to retrieve or update the current value of the input element.


<input type="text" value="Initial Value" id="myInput">

  // Retrieve the value using attr('value')
  var attrValue = $('#myInput').attr('value');
  console.log(attrValue); // Output: "Initial Value"

  // Retrieve the value using val()
  var currentValue = $('#myInput').val();
  console.log(currentValue); // Output: "Initial Value"

  // Update the value using val()
  $('#myInput').val('New Value');

  // Retrieve the updated value using val()
  var updatedValue = $('#myInput').val();
  console.log(updatedValue); // Output: "New Value"

In summary, while attr('value') and val() can both retrieve the value of an input element, val() is generally preferred for its ability to provide the most recent value.
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