HTML , XHTML , css
Asked 7 years ago
30 Oct 2016
Views 1129

css-learner posted

margin VS padding

i am learning css and dont know where to use margin and where to use padding in css .
i got that if anyone want padding at top , left , right , bottom one can use padding-top , padding-left , padding-right , padding-bottom or same way we can use margin regarding css but dont know difference between margin and padding and where to use padding or margin .. because i think they both do same work . so let me know difference or some good understanding about this two css property : margin and padding

answered Apr 24 '23 00:00

In Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), both margin and padding properties are utilized to add space around an element. Although these properties share the same function of creating space, they are used in different ways:

Padding : Padding property specifies the space between an element's content and its border. Its purpose is to add internal space within the element. You can use the padding property to set padding for all four sides of an element (top, right, bottom, and left) or the padding-top , padding-right , padding-bottom , and padding-left properties to set each side individually.

Margin : Margin property, on the other hand, is utilized to create space outside an element's border. It adds space between an element and other elements on the page. You can use the margin property to set margin for all four sides of an element or the margin-top , margin-right , margin-bottom , and margin-left properties to set each side individually.

Therefore, the main difference between margin and padding is that padding adjusts the space between an element's content and its border, while margin affects the space outside an element's border. In essence, padding is used to increase space within an element, while margin is used to create space between an element and other elements on the page.

It is essential to note that margins can collapse, meaning that when two adjacent elements have margins, the larger margin will take precedence over the smaller one. Conversely, padding does not collapse.
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