Asked 2 years ago
23 Aug 2021
Views 347

Santiago posted

MySQL - What are the types of procedure?

What are the types of procedure at MySQL ?

answered May 14 '23 00:00

there are two types of procedures: stored procedures and stored functions in MySQL. Here's a brief description of each type:

Stored procedures : A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that are stored in the database and can be executed repeatedly. Stored procedures can have input and output parameters, which allow them to receive and return data. Stored procedures can also be used to encapsulate complex operations or business logic, making them easier to manage and maintain.
Here's an example of a simple stored procedure in MySQL:

    SELECT * FROM myTable;

In this example, the stored procedure is named myProcedure, and it contains a single SQL statement that selects all rows from a table named myTable.

Stored functions : A stored function is similar to a stored procedure, but it returns a single value rather than a set of rows. Stored functions can be used in SQL statements to perform calculations or manipulate data. Stored functions can also have input parameters, which allow them to accept data from other SQL statements.
Here's an example of a simple stored function in MySQL:

CREATE FUNCTION DataFunction(param INT)
    DECLARE result INT;
    SET result = param * 2;
    RETURN result;

In this example, the stored function is named DataFunction, and it accepts a single input parameter named param. The function contains a single SQL statement that multiplies the value of the input parameter by 2 and returns the result.

Overall, stored procedures and functions in MySQL provide a powerful way to encapsulate SQL statements and perform complex operations or calculations. By using these features, you can improve the maintainability and scalability of your database applications.
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