Asked 6 years ago
2 Feb 2018
Views 996

pratik posted

npm run dist give ERROR: Can't allocate required memory!

ERROR: Can't allocate required memory!

answered Apr 25 '23 00:00

If you're encountering an error that says "Can't allocate required memory!" when running npm run dist, it's likely that your system doesn't have enough memory to complete the build process.

There are a few possible solutions to this issue:

1.Increase the amount of memory available to Node.js by using the max-old-space-size flag. You can do this by running the following command before running npm run dist:

export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096"

This will increase the maximum amount of memory available to Node.js to 4 GB. You can adjust the value based on the amount of available memory on your system.

2.Close any other memory-intensive applications that may be running on your system to free up memory for the build process.

3.If you're running the build process on a virtual machine, try increasing the amount of memory allocated to the virtual machine.

4.If none of the above solutions work, consider upgrading the amount of physical memory available on your system.

By implementing one or more of these solutions, you should be able to run npm run dist without encountering memory allocation errors
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