Asked 2 years ago
9 Jun 2021
Views 347

Maiya posted

open method or function with window.open

open method or function with window.open

answered Apr 27 '23 00:00

window.open() is a method in JavaScript that opens a new browser window or tab. It takes a URL as its first parameter, and various options such as window size, position, and features as the second parameter.

You can use window.open() to open a new browser window or tab with a specific URL and options, for example:

window.open("https://www.example.com", "_blank", "width=500,height=500");

This will open a new browser window or tab with the URL "https://www.example.com" and the specified dimensions.

In addition to the window.open() method, you can also define a function or method with a different name that calls the window.open() method. For example, you can define a function called openWindow() that calls window.open():

function openWindow(url) {
    window.open(url, "_blank", "width=500,height=500");

This function takes a URL as its parameter and calls window.open() with the specified URL and dimensions. You can call this function whenever you want to open a new window with a specific URL and dimensions, like this:


This will call the openWindow() function and open a new window with the specified URL and dimensions.

In summary, window.open() is a built-in method in JavaScript that opens a new browser window or tab with a specific URL and options. You can also define your own function or method that calls window.open() with a specific URL and options
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