PHP , String
Asked 12 months ago
19 May 2023
Views 307

eclipse-learner posted

php __tostring

tell me about php __tostring

answered May 19 '23 00:00

The __toString method in PHP is a magic method that allows an object to define how it should be converted to a string when it is treated as a string. It is automatically called when an object is used in a string context, such as when it is concatenated with a string or when it is passed to echo or print.

Here's an example to illustrate its usage:

class MyClass {
    private $data;

    public function __construct($data) {
        $this->data = $data;

    public function __toString() {
        return $this->data;

$obj = new MyClass("Hello, world!");
echo $obj;  // Output: Hello, world!

In this example, the MyClass object is defined with a private property called $data, and the __toString method is implemented to return the value of $data when the object is treated as a string. So when we echo the $obj variable, it automatically calls the __toString method to convert the object to a string and outputs its content.

Using __toString can be helpful when you want to control the string representation of an object or when you need to convert an object to a string for a specific purpose.
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