Asked 7 years ago
3 Oct 2016
Views 988

angeo posted

required vs ngRequired in angular js


i am dealing with input type=text , where using "required" and "ngRequired".
both used for required field but what is the more on it .what is difference between "required" and "ngRequired"

answered May 4 '23 00:00

required and ngRequired are both directives in AngularJS that are used to validate user input in HTML forms . However, they differ in how they are applied and their behavior.

The required directive is a built-in directive in HTML5 that is used to mark a form field as required. When the form is submitted, the browser will prevent the form submission if the required fields are empty.

In AngularJS, the required directive can be used to add the required attribute to a form field, like this:

<input type="text" name="firstName" ng-model="firstName" required>

The ngRequired directive, on the other hand, is an AngularJS directive that can be used to conditionally make a form field required based on the value of a variable or expression .

Here's an example of how to use ngRequired:

<input type="text" name="lastName" ng-model="lastName" ng-required="isLastNameRequired">

In the example above, we use the ng-required attribute to bind the isLastNameRequired variable to the required attribute of the input field. If the isLastNameRequired variable is true, the input field will be required. If it's false, the input field will not be required.

In summary, the required directive is used to mark a form field as required in HTML5, while the ngRequired directive is an AngularJS directive that can be used to conditionally make a form field required based on the value of a variable or expression.
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