Asked 7 years ago
30 Jan 2017
Views 1297

sqltreat posted

use of MySQL storage engines

what are the MySQL storage engines ?
how to use MySQL storage engines ?
i export database i got this

  `currencies_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `title` varchar(32) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `last_updated` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`currencies_id`)


here ENGINE=MyISAM , it means what ?
i can say our ENGINE is MyISAM , MyISAM stand for what ? which are other ENGINE and what are the use of it ?

answered Aug 24 '21 00:00

there is a MERGE storage engine, which is used to merge two tables in MySQL
Mitul Dabhi

Mitul Dabhi
answered Nov 30 '-1 00:00

MySQL have 8 storage engines

MEMORY - Hash based, stored in memory,
FEDERATED - Federated MySQL storage engine
MyISAM - Default engine as of MySQL 3.23
BLACKHOLE - /dev/null storage engine
MRG_MYISAM - Collection of identical MyISAM tables
CSV - CSV storage engine
ARCHIVE - Archive storage engine
InnoDB - Supports transactions, row locking and foreign keys.

it means at end of the create table query you can write any of the engine name to use it like ENGINE=MyISAM or ENGINE=MEMORY or ENGINE=InnoDB

each ENGINE have differ characteristic which suit for particular purpose of use.

if you do not specifigy ENGINE , than MySQL 5.7 take InnoDB as default ENGINE

MyISAM is read-only And saved on disk space.

Use of MyISAM
MyISAM is used for read only purpose. so good heavy application can use it where alteration is less and read is more.
MyISAM storage enginee work weill with nontransactional purpose
InnoDB is a transactional storage engine.

Storage Engines Feature Summary
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