Asked 2 years ago
10 Aug 2021
Views 163

Lisa posted

What is $_ GET ?

What is $_ GET ?

answered Aug 17 '21 00:00

$_GET is used to get the value of the HTML get method in PHP .
$_GET is the array of the query string in PHP.
suppose we surf URL :


after the question mark(?), all in the URL is the query string which we can get at PHP side by $_GET

echo $_GET['id'];
echo $_GET['action'];

it will print 305 and show for above url

by HTML form element , sending get method request as below

<form method="get" action="product-detail.php">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="305"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="show"/>

here method="get" means HTML form element method gets and on submit , it send get query string to PHP .
and we can get query string as we did previously by $_GET

echo $_GET['id'];
echo $_GET['action'];

If you don't provide any method to get or post to HTML form element, then it takes the default method as get
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