Asked 2 years ago
9 Jul 2021
Views 193

Lila posted

What is the difference between bootstrap and media query ?

What is the difference between bootstrap and media query ?

answered Feb 28 '23 00:00

Bootstrap and media queries are two different tools used in web development for different purposes.

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides a set of pre-built HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components and styles for building responsive, mobile-first websites and web applications . Bootstrap makes it easier and faster to create consistent, modern-looking layouts and user interfaces that work well on all screen sizes, from desktops to mobile devices. Bootstrap uses a responsive grid system that allows you to define layout rules based on screen size and orientation, as well as pre-built components such as buttons, forms, tables, and navigation menus.

Media queries , on the other hand, are a CSS feature that allows you to define styles based on the characteristics of the user's device, such as screen size, resolution, orientation, and color depth . Media queries allow you to apply different styles to different devices or screen sizes, which can be useful for creating responsive designs that adapt to different devices. Media queries can be used independently of any framework or library and can be applied to any website or web application.

In summary, while Bootstrap is a complete front-end framework that provides a set of pre-built components and styles for building responsive websites, media queries are a CSS feature that allows you to define styles based on the characteristics of the user's device . Both Bootstrap and media queries are important tools for building modern, responsive websites, but they serve different purposes and can be used together or separately depending on your needs.

answered Feb 28 '23 00:00

media query is the CSS feature property itself , but bootstrap is the framework build on CSS , HTML , Javascript.
bootstrap use media query.
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