Asked 2 years ago
17 Jun 2021
Views 203

Melba posted

where clause not reading variable in php mysql

where clause not reading variable in php mysql

answered Apr 28 '23 00:00

If the WHERE clause in your PHP MySQL query is not reading a variable, there could be a few possible reasons for this. Here are some things to check:

Check that the variable is defined and has a value. Use var_dump () or print_r() to display the contents of the variable and verify that it contains the expected value.

Make sure the variable is properly quoted in the query. If the variable is a string, it should be enclosed in quotes in the query. For example:

$value = "some string";
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE column1 = '$value'";

If the variable is an integer, it should not be enclosed in quotes.

Check for any syntax errors in the query. If the query syntax is incorrect, the variable may not be properly read. Use echo mysqli_error($connection); to display any errors returned by the MySQL database.

Check that the variable is properly escaped and sanitized to prevent SQL injection attacks. Use a function like mysqli_real_escape_string () to escape any user input used in the query.

Make sure the variable is in scope when the query is executed. If the variable is defined within a function or conditional statement, it may not be accessible from other parts of the code.
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