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by sarah | 24/04/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : python , math Views : 305
what is the purpose of using [0]*x syntax?

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by dilip | 24/04/23 | 2 Answers | Tags : Javascript Views : 272
what is difference between local vs global variable ?

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by shyam | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Javascript , Closures , function , scope , variables Views : 274
Please explain the JavaScript closures

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by steave ray | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Javascript , arrays Views : 299
how to check if a specific value exists in an array in JavaScript?

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by Mitul Dabhi | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Javascript Views : 194
as PHP do encode a PNG image to a Base64 string. is that possible same in JavaScript

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by Cimb | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : fabricjs , canvas Views : 173
how can capture the entire Fabric JS canvas as an image? Specifically, how can I use Fabric JS to export the entire canvas as an image in a format such as PNG or JPEG?

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by kiran | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Javascript , fabricjs Views : 365
How to set width and height of canvas (width, height) ?

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by angeo | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : PHP , azure Views : 256
i set Microsoft Azure Web App , but not able to run php pages in my web app.

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by dilip | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : google-chrome-extension Views : 157
What are the steps involved in developing a Chrome extension using manifest version 3? Specifically, what changes are required in the extension's manifest file and how can I use the updated APIs to build and deploy the extension?

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by steave ray | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Javascript , JSON , HTML Views : 237
generate and saving a JSON file from a blob in a web application? Specifically, how can I extract data from a blob and convert it to JSON format, and then save the resulting JSON file to a local or remote location?

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by angeo | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : PHP Views : 141
the method for detecting the user's browser language using PHP? Specifically, how can I retrieve the language preference of the user's web browser in PHP and use it to display content in the appropriate language?

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by debugger | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Views : 108
What is the process for automatically translating a website using the Google Translate Plugin based on the visitor's IP address? Specifically, how can I configure the Google Translate Plugin to detect the user's IP address and automatically translate the website into their preferred language? Additionally, how can I handle situations where the user's preferred language is not available, and provide an option for them to manually select a different language? What are the best practices for implementing automatic translation on a website while ensuring that the translated content is accurate and does not adversely affect the user experience?

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by sarah | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : ghostscript Views : 182
How can I use Ghostscript to extract a specific portion of a PDF file and convert it to a JPG image? Specifically, what are the steps involved in cropping a particular section of a PDF file and saving it as a JPG image using Ghostscript?

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by david | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Views : 162
What are the steps involved in obtaining RSA256 private and public keys using the Azure Key Vault service? Specifically, how can I use the Azure Key Vault service to generate RSA256 keys and retrieve their private and public components programmatically or non programmatically ?

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by shyam | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : PHP , Url Views : 200
How can I retrieve the full URL of the current web page using PHP? For example, let's say I want to display the full URL of the page in the browser's address bar in a message or store it in a database. What is the method for retrieving this information using PHP? Furthermore, how can I handle situations where the URL contains query parameters or fragments? And is it possible to obtain the protocol and domain name along with the full URL of the current page?

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by QuickIos | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : jQuery Views : 228
How can I use jQuery to disable a hyperlink or prevent its default behavior? For instance, if I have an anchor tag with an ID of "my-link" and I want to prevent it from redirecting the user to another page when clicked, how can I achieve this using jQuery? Additionally, let's say I want to add a CSS class to the disabled link to change its appearance. How can I do this using jQuery?

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by steave ray | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : jQuery , href Views : 299
How can I use jQuery to remove the "href" attribute from a specific HTML element such as an anchor tag? For example, let's say I have an anchor tag with an ID of "my-link" and I want to remove its "href" attribute so that clicking on it does not take the user to another page. How can I accomplish this using jQuery?

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by Mahesh Radadiya | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : jQuery , Javascript Views : 334
How can I use jQuery to extract a particular HTML element from the response received after an AJAX request has completed?

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by jagdish | 24/04/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : Views : 119
What is technique or method to change the URL of a webpage without triggering a full page refresh or reload.

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by steave | 09/04/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : Views : 237
why ftp_ssl_connect not working ?

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